Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tortilla de Patatas y Sangria

I can't believe I live here, I've already fallen in love with Barcelona and I haven't even been here 24 hours. My senora, Antonia is wonderful, she only speaks Spanish to us and I can tell that from this morning to this afternoon I am already beginning to get a better ear for understanding what she says.

After a long, very bumpy flight from JFK, I finally got to Barcelona around 8:30am and after about an hour and a half I was ready to get a taxi to my new home. The bags that I brought were harder to pull than I expected, luckily at the airport I was able to grab a push cart (after a police man sadly watched me struggle and even offered to watch my bags so I could go get a cart, P.S. I thought it was a trick, turns out he was a genuinely nice man).

I was the first of my roommates to get to our apartment which means I got the single room to myself! The housing is so much better than I expected, I have plenty of space and Antonia will do ANYTHING to make us comfortable (she insisted on ironing my shirt when I asked to borrow the iron). Once Erin and Natalie arrived and after unpacking and an unintentional hour and a half nap, we decided to explore!

We didn't even make it downtown, but I can't get enough of Barcelona, the streets are modern but quaint with extremely old building interspersed. The streets are filled with cars and mopeds, but they aren't overcrowded or noisy (in fact we sat at a street side cafe and had no problem talking in our regular voices).

After tons of uphill walking, we decided that we couldn't finish our first day in Barcelona without a glass of Sangria, so we shared a liter at a cafe near our apartment (possibly our new favorite spot) and headed home for dinner.

Little did we know that Antonia made us a full, incredible, huge meal complete with ensalada, pan con aciete, a Mallorca pan dish, tortilla de patatas (which she swears is the best in the city and I completely believe her) and ciruelas (plums) for dessert. I couldn't be happier or more comfortable.

Barcelona, I love you.
Ready for tomorrow!


  1. Yay!! I'm so glad you're settled in and loving it! Keep having an amazing time and we'll chat soon!

  2. it's blowing my mind that you are actually in spain!!! I'm glad you're lovin you get internet at home? Hope your new roomies are awesome!

  3. I do have internet at home, which is sooo nice! And i love my new roomies, but never as much as yall :)
