Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Listen, Barcelona

In the past few days, I've been doing a ton of settling-in tasks that have made me realize a few things about Barcelona. Although I still love it, here are a few things that I am annoyed with:

1. The shower (no matter what temperature it's on, which for me is cold since it's so hot all the time) constantly fluctuates in and out of boiling hot and ice cold water.
2. I am not allowed to take a long shower, a nighttime rinse off, or anything other than one short shower a day (which wouldn't be a big deal except that I am constantly sweaty and there is no A/C to cool me off, EVER)
3. There is no A/C!!!
4. Smoking, I don't understand how smoking isn't outlawed everywhere, I am so tired of constantly breathing second-hand smoke everywhere I go (even in restaurants...everyone smokes)
5. Constantly having to guard my belongings with my life (just once I would like to sit without my purse between my legs...but don't worry I wont stop being cautious out of my own laziness)
6. Having to allow for more than 5 minutes to get to class (living on campus is pure heaven, having to leave for class at least 30 minutes before it begins really stinks)

All in all, I am settling in to regular life in Barcelona. I am starting to be okay with 9:00pm dinners, speaking/reading/understanding Spanish, and I am definitely settling in to the beautiful scenery.

I changed in to a different Spanish class, which I really enjoy and I am very ready for all the rest of my classes to start on Monday (let's get real, I've always loved school)!

I've grow an extreme adoration and constant craving for Nutella and pan con tomates (literally bread with olive oil and tomatoes rubbed all over it).

Tonight we had vegetables that my Senora cooked with olive oil, vinegar, garlic and another spice that I've tasted in her cooking and other cooking before, but I do not know what it is. She tried to explain in Spanish, but as you can see, I didn't understand. Hopefully I'll find out soon!

Still loving Barcelona, just a little more realistic about it.


  1. #2 & #4 are going to be a problem! haha

    What classes are you taking over there?

  2. Eek a leek! I would seriously not be able to handle the smoking. I have a roommate, and just smelling his clothes after he's smoked makes my eyes water and my throat hurt. I'll have to travel abroad somewhere where smoking is outlawed. Are there places like that?
