Sunday, August 29, 2010

Adios Tejas, Hola Barcelona

T-minus 32 hours until I begin my journey across the Atlantic to Espana.

These are a few of the things I've been doing for the past few days in preparation for my trip, eek!

1. Translating the things I say in English in to Spanish in my head (often unsuccessfully)
2. Looking up words for the things I know I am going to need upon arriving in Barcelona: hairdryer=secador de pelo
3. Reading forums to figure out which bank to open an account at once I'm in Barcelona. It seems like ING Direct is a good choice, if anyone has another suggestion let me know!
4. Figuring out how to buy a SIM card (I unlocked my Iphone, I simply can't live without it...I don't know what I'll do once I actually graduate college and have to flip the bill all by myself)
5. PACKING, thank you Space Bags.
6. Venturing to the store almost daily...I always remember something else I need about an hour after my trip to Walgreens, Target...
7. Google Mapping the area around my apartment, over and over and over.
**8. Eating at all of my favorite restaurants and all of the food that my mom makes that I am going to miss so bad for four months. (Especially my beloved tex-mex)

If anyone has any Barcelona suggestions, let me know, I'm up for anything at all (as for now I'm mostly clueless)!

Excited, nervous, almost Spanish!


  1. I can't believe you are leaving tomorrow!!! Make sure to stop by Rosas before you go to the airport!!! Love you! Hope you document everything!

  2. I love you!!! Sé que tu tendrás un buen semestre en Barcelona. Estoy celosa!!! Skype mucho con nosotros por favor y tomas muchos fótos! :) Can't wait to keep in touch and hear all about your trip- you're going to have so much fun!!! Safe travels!
