Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nutella and Spaghetti

To start, Parc Guell is incredible! I want to go back everyday...I wish I could have a private showing so that no one else was around and I wish it'd be about 65 degrees outside also. Everywhere you look in Parc Guell you're surrounded by something strange and so beautiful.

Upon entering the main columned structure at the top of the entrance, we found musicians playing classical strings, but as we walked through the park, they weren't the only performers. There was a duo playing classical Spanish guitar, a woman dressed in Flamenco attire (turns out she was only posing for pictures which was a real let down, I wanted some Flamenco dancing..good or bad would have sufficed), my personal favorites were the two sets or random, skinny shirtless hippies simply blowing really big bubbles. Everything seemed to fit so well in to the mix-matched park.

For lunch, I am trying to cut back a little bit since the portions my Senora serves me for dinner are MAMMOTH, and it's so good that I usually come close to finishing them. I stopped and got some pineapple and a banana to eat in Parc Guell; found a shady spot and listened to a Spaniard sing Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69."

But after Parc Guell was when I had the real treat, I stopped in a fruit stand to grab some nectarines and these random street side nectarines (after washing them in one of the many fountains throughout the city) were literally the very best I have ever had. They fell off the pit, mmm, I would have eaten 10, but restrained myself to one and one for later (it seems like later is rapidly approaching, I can't get this nectarine out of my head!)

A slightly Spanish version of spaghetti for dinner and Nutella for dessert rounded out a nearly perfect day. (It would have been perfect if it weren't for the extreme heat)

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